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Winter Break 2017

Dear Fellow Homeschoolers & Subscribers,

I hope the lesson plans I’ve posted through this U Read Thru History site have been a blessing to you!  I’m going to take a break from posting lesson plans for the next several weeks.    In early March  I intend to begin posting history lesson plans again.    If you’re enjoying these lessons, or if you have any feedback you’d like to give, I’d love to hear from you!  Feel free to send me a note.  My email is

May God continue to bless your homeschool adventure!


Gwen Fredette

Posted by Gwen Fredette on January 26, 2017


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Enlightenment Test

WEEK 17:  Enlightenment History Test

NOTE: Following is the Enlightenment History Test.  7th and 8th graders should be able to do all of this test.  4th through 6th graders should be able to do most of the test.   K – 3rd graders will be able to do a lot of this test orally.   Each question is worth 1 point.  This test is OPTIONAL.   Please feel free to skip it, scale it, eliminate parts of it, use it merely as a review, or do whatever best suits your family!  If you choose to give your children this test, I would recommend reviewing the “Discussion Questions” from the last 16 weeks’ lesson plans the day before you give the test.

Following the test you will find a teachers’ answer key.

History Test: Enlightenment

Name: ________________________________                                                                Date: ________


Directions: Write “T” if the answer is true.  Write “F” if the answer is false.

  1. T/F Isaac Newton was knighted by Queen Anne. ____________
  2. T/F Newton was often irritable and angry. ____________
  3. T/F Newton studied Alchemy. ____________
  4. T/F Harvey discovered that blood circulates through body bringing oxygen to the rest of the body. ____________
  5. T/F The Pope was upset with Galileo after he published his book. ____________
  6. T/F In France, people were allowed to come watch the royal family get up, go to bed, and do other things. ____________
  7. T/F Mozart came from a musical family. ____________
  8. T/F Mozart was rich. ____________
  9. T/F Mozart lived a long life. ____________
  10. T/F Mozart was known to be a very humble man.  ____________
  11. T/F Mozart was only 9 years old when he composed his first symphony. ____________
  12. T/F Mozart began writing music before he could write words. ____________
  13. T/F As a young boy Napoleon was well-liked by his classmates. ____________
  14. T/F Napoleon became a brilliant army commander by his mid-twenties.  ____________
  15. T/F Napoleon eventually became Emperor, in control of all of France. ____________
  16. T/F Napoleon was exiled twice.  ____________
  17. T/F Hieroglyphs used punctuation marks. ____________
  18. T/F Hieroglyphs could be written in any direction. ____________
  19. T/F Mozart and Beethoven both had bad relationships with their fathers. ____________
  20. T/F Beethoven had a bad temper.  ____________
  21. T/F Professional musicians often found Beethoven’s music too difficult to play.  ____________
  22. T/F Beethoven’s father was also an excellent musician.  ____________
  23. T/F Beethoven didn’t just want his music to entertain but to transform people. ____________
  24. T/F Hans Christian Andersen sang well enough that he was able to go to the Royal Theater’s singing school for free. ____________
  25. T/F Hans wanted to be famous for his children’s stories. ____________
  26. T/F The Grimm brothers lived together and stayed close friends most of their lives. ____________
  27. T/F Faraday came from a wealthy family. ____________
  28. T/F Faraday was considered well-educated. ____________
  29. T/F During the Industrial Revolution goods were made cheaper and more quickly in factories. ____________

Directions: Circle the letter(s) of the correct answer(s).

  1. The period of time during the  16th, 17th & 18th centuries when there was a huge change in the way people thought of science (and mathematics) is called the …. ?

A.) The Renaissance

B.) The Industrial Revolution

C.) The Scientific Revolution

D.) The Victorian Era

  1. During this time scientists aimed to find answers to questions about nature from where?

A.)Reason & Observation                                             C.) Aristotle

B.) Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome                        D.) The Church

  1. Which of the following was NOT a famous scientist living at this time?

A.) Galileo                                                                           C.) Aristotle

B.) Isaac Newton                                                              D.) Kepler

  1. The period of time during the 17th & 18th centuries when there was a huge change in the way people thought of politics is called the …. ?

A.) The Renaissance

B.) The Industrial Revolution

C.) The Scientific Revolution

D.) The Enlightenment

  1. Locke believed …

A.)  People are evil and selfish and need Monarchs to tell them what to do.

B.)  People are born with 3 rights: Life, Liberty & Property. Government should protect these three rights.

C.)  in the separation of powers:  Executive, Legislative, & Judicial.  This way no government had too much power.

D.) Government should be a social contract  between leaders and people; if government fails to protect the 3 basic rights, people have the right to back out of the contract and start their own government.

  1. Montesquieu believed …

A.) Government should be separate from the church so there is greater tolerance and no religious bias from leaders.

B.)  People are born with 3 rights: Life, Liberty & Property. Government should protect these three rights.

C.)  in the separation of powers:  Executive, Legislative, & Judicial.  This way no government had too much power.

D.) Government should be a social  contract  between leaders and people; if government fails to protect the 3 basic rights, people have the right to back out of the contract and start their own government.

  1. Rousseau believed …

A.) Government should be separate from the church so there is greater tolerance and no religious bias from leaders.

B.)  People are born with 3 rights: Life, Liberty & Property. Government should protect these three rights.

C.)  People are evil and selfish and need Monarchs to tell them what to do.

D.) Government should be a social contract between leaders and people; if government fails to protect the 3 basic rights, people have the right to back out of the contract and start their own government.

  1. Voltaire believed …

A.) Government should be separate from the church so there is greater tolerance and no religious bias from leaders.

B.)  People are born with 3 rights: Life, Liberty & Property. Government should protect these three rights.

C.)  in separation of powers:  Executive, Legislative, & Judicial.  This way no government had too much power.

D.) Government should be a social contract between leaders and people; if government fails to protect the 3 basic rights, people have the right to back out of the contract and start their own government.

  1. Which of the following was NOT one of Galileo’s inventions?

A.) Better compass

B.) Better telescope

C.) Water Clock

D.) Microscope thermometer

  1. Which of the following was NOT something Galileo saw through his telescope?

A.) Uranus

B.) Moon was not smooth

C.) Infinite number of stars

D.) Jupiter had 4 moons

  1. Which of the following was NOT something Peter the Great learned to do?

A.) Carpentry

B.) How to repair watches

C.) How to construct a bridge

D.)  How to study weather patterns

  1. Which of the following was NOT a change Peter the Great brought to his country?

A.) He forced people to shave their beards

B.) He began a constitutional monarchy.

C.)  He encouraged women to eat with husbands.

D.) He required many of his subjects to move to the new city he had built.

  1. Which of the following was NOT true of Marie Antoinette?

A.) She and her husband had a wonderful marriage.

B.) Her wardrobe filled 3 rooms.

C.) She spent money freely.

D.) The French nobles, her mother, and the French people felt she was not behaving properly.

  1. Which of the following was NOT one of Mozart’s most famous pieces?

A.) The 9th Symphony

B.) Marriage of Figaro

C.) Don Giovanni

D.) The Magic Flute

  1. What was NOT a good example of Napoleon’s excellent leadership?

A.) He invaded Russia

B.) Brilliant general, made decisions quickly, and worked side by side with low-ranking soldiers.

C.) He encouraged religious tolerance

D.) He expanded education.

  1. What 2 countries remained outside of Napoleon’s control? (circle 2)

A.) England

B.) Austria

C.) Russia

D.) Spain

  1. Where was Napoleon exiled?

A.) Corsica

B.) Russia

C.) Elba

D.) Egypt

  1. Which of the following was NOT one of Beethoven’s most famous pieces?

A.) The 9th Symphony

B.) Marriage of Figaro

C.) The 5th Symphony

D.) The Moonlight Sonata

  1. Which of the following is NOT true of Beethoven?

A.) He wore the same clothes for several weeks at a time.

B.) More than 20,000 people attended his funeral.

C.) He married at a young age.

D.)  He often wrote on the walls of his apartments.

  1. Which of the following is NOT a famous story by Hans Christian Andersen?

A.) The Ugly Duckling

B.) The Little Mermaid

C.) Rapunzel

D.) The Emperor’s New Clothes

  1. All of the following stories can be compared to Hans’ life growing up except?

A.) The Little Match Girl

B.) The Princess and the Pea

C.) The Ugly Duckling

D.) The Little Mermaid

  1. Which of the following is NOT a famous story compiled by the Brothers Grimm?

A.) Snow White

B.) The Little Mermaid

C.) Rapunzel

D.) Cinderella

  1. Which of the following was NOT true of Faraday?

A.) He educated himself.

B.) He was a religious man.

C.) Humphrey Davy was extremely proud of his achievements.

D.) He invented the electric motor.

  1. All of the following are true of James Watt EXCEPT …

A.) He made huge improvements to the steam engine, which became the catalyst for the Industrial Revolution.

B.) A unit of electricity was named after him.

C.) His first invention was the Newcomen steam engine.

D.) His steam engines were used as water pumps for mines, for factory work in cotton mills, and eventually for railroad transportation.

  1. All of the following were negative effects of the Industrial Revolution EXCEPT …

A.) More goods were created at cheaper prices.

B.) Air pollution.

C.) Children worked long hours.

D.) Machines could be dangerous.

  1. Which of the following was NOT a new invention during the Industrial Revolution?

A.) Flying Shuttle                                                              B.) Spinning Jenny

C.) The Telescope                                                            D.) The Cotton Gin

  1. Which of the following was NOT a new invention during the Industrial Revolution?

A.) Mechanical Reaper

B.) Deere Plow

C.) The Telegraph

D.) Pocket Watch

  1. Which of the following was NOT true of Samuel Slater?

A.) He had a fantastic memory.

B.) He illegally left England and started a water-powered cotton spinning mill in U.S.

C.) He’s famous for inventing his own machinery.

D.) He’s known as the father of the American Industrial Revolution.

  1. Which of the following was NOT true of Louis Braille’s school?

A.) Besides academics, children at Louis’s school learned to create mats, fabric, slippers, baskets, & fishing nets.

B.)  The building was not good for the children’s health.

C.)  Defau, the director, was immediately excited about Braille’s creation.

D.)  Louis Braille became a great teacher at the school.


Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct answer(s).

    59 & 60.  In what 2 countries were there successful revolutions during the Enlightenment?________________________________________________________________ and________________________________________________________________
  1. What subject did Galileo want to study in school? __________________________________
  2. What church was upset about Galileo’s new theory that the sun was the center of the universe? ___________________________________________
  3. Newton is well-known for his law of …? _________________________________________
  4. What new kind of math did Newton invent? __________________________________________
  5. Newton is famous for how many laws of motion? _____________________________________
  6. Newton discovered that white sunlight is actually a mixture of what? ______________________________________________________________________________
  7. What was a tsar? ________________________________________________________
  8. Why was King Louis XIV was nicknamed the ”sun king? _____________________________________
  9. In France (at this time) what was the heir of the king called? ________________________________
  10. During this time of history, how did doctors often try to “cure” people who were sick? ____________________________________________________________
  11. Before the French Revolution what people made up the “middle class”? ______________________________________________________________________
  12. What prison did people attack, starting the French Revolution? _____________________________________
  13.  & 74. Which king and queen ruled during the French Revolution?

_____________________________________________________  and


  1. How were they killed? ______________________________________________
  2. Who ended the French revolution with his leadership? ____________________________________________________________
  3. Who were the first people to create the Hot-Air Balloon? ___________________________________________________
  4. What country were they from? ________________________________________
  5. ,  80, & 81.  What were the first passengers in a hot-air balloon? ___________________________________________

___________________________________________ and


  1. At first the King only wanted to allow a prisoner to be the first to ride in a hot-air balloon. Why did he change his mind?  ___________________________________________________________________________
  2. How did Napoleon become first consul? ______________________________________________________________
  3. Who crowned Napoleon emperor? ____________________________________________
  4. What important artifact did Napoleon find in Egypt? _____________________________________________
  5. Why was it such an important discovery? ___________________________________________________________
  6. , 88, & 89.  What 3 languages were on the stone?____________________________________________, ____________________________________________, and ____________________________________________
    1. Who finally was able to translate the Egyptian in the stone? _______________________________________________
    2. What was a cartouche? ______________________________________________________________________________
    3. What handicap did Beethoven have?___________________________________________________________________
    4. Who was Hans Christian Andersen’s favorite author?___________________________________________________________
    5. In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin? ____________________________________
    6. During the Industrial Revolution what did the first factories make? ________________________________________
    7. How many hours a day did people often work in factories? _____________________
    8. What important canal helper further the Industrial Revolution? ___________________________________________
    9. During the Industrial Revolution, which city became the most important port on the East Coast of America? __________________________________________________________________________
    10. Why is Louis Braille famous? ____________________________________
    11. What was sonography or “night writing”? _______________________________________


Extra Credit:

Grades K – 3:  What falls faster, a heavy object or a light object?  ____________________________

What did King Louis name all of his sons? _________________________________________

4 – 6: How did Louis Braille die? _____________________________________

What country was Faraday from?  __________________________________

7 – 8:  What was the last piece of music Mozart wrote?  _____________________________

What happened during “The Terror”? ______________________________________________________________________________



Answer Key:

  • 1.  T
  • 2.  T
  • 3. T
  • 4.  T
  • 5.  T
  • 6.  T
  • 7.  T
  • 8.  F
  • 9.  F
  • 10.  F
  • 11.  T
  • 12.  T
  • 13.  F
  • 14.  T
  • 15.  T
  • 16.  T
  • 17.  F
  • 18.  T
  • 19. T
  • 20.  T
  • 21.  T
  • 22.  F
  • 23.  T
  • 24.  T
  • 25.  F
  • 26.  T
  • 27. F
  • 28.  F
  • 29. T
  • 30.  C
  • 31.  A
  • 32.  C
  • 33.  D
  • 34.  B
  • 35.  C
  • 36.  D
  • 37.  A
  • 38.  C
  • 39.  A
  • 40.  D
  • 41.  B
  • 42.  A
  • 43.  A
  • 44.  A
  • 45.  A & C
  • 46.  C
  • 47.  B
  • 48.  C
  • 49.  C
  • 50.  B
  • 51.  B
  • 52.  C
  • 53.  C
  • 54.  A
  • 55. C
  • 56.  D
  • 57.  C
  • 58.  C
  • 59 & 60.  America & France
  • 61.  mathematics
  • 62.  The Catholic Church
  • 63.  Gravity
  • 64.  Calculus
  • 65.  3
  • 66.  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, & purple (colors of the rainbow)
  • 67.  ruler of Russia
  • 68.  everything revolved around him, full of splendor
  • 69.  the Dauphin
  • 70.  by “bleeding” people
  • 71.  craftsmen & merchants
  • 72.  Bastille
  • 73. & 74.  Marie Antoinette & King Louis XVI
  • 75.  guillotine
  • 76.  Napoleon Bonaparte
  • 77.  Montgolfier brothers
  • 78.  France
  • 79., 80, & 81.  sheep, duck & rooster
  • 82.  Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier convinced the king that a criminal shouldn’t get the glory for the first successful flight
  • 83.  Napoleon ended the unstable, old government and began “The Consulate”.  He was voted in by the people but he named himself “First Consul” leaving most of the power for himself.
  • 84.  himself — Napoleon
  • 85.  Rosetta Stone
  • 86.  used to translate ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
  • 87.  88, & 89.  Greek, Egyptian Hieroglyphs, & Egyptican Demotic
  • 90.  Jean Francois Champollion
  • 91.  a box around a person’s name in ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
  • 92.  He was deaf
  • 93.  William Shakespeare
  • 94.  England
  • 95.  cloth, fabric
  • 96.  12
  • 97.  Erie Canal
  • 98.  New York City
  • 99.  He created a system of reading and writing for the blind.
  • 100.  A system of writing used by soldiers so they could read at night.  It used raised letters.

Extra Credit:

Grades K – 3:  1.  They fall at the same speed.  2.  Louis

4 – 6: 1.  tuberculosis  2.  England

7 – 8:  1.  requiem  2.  Mass executions during the French Revolution of anyone suspected to be an enemy of the Republic.


Copyright January 19th, 2017 by Gwen Fredette

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Filed under Charlotte Mason, The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution

Louis Braille

Week 16: Louis Braille


Read: K – 2:   A Picture Book of Louis Braille by David Adler

 3 – 5:  Louis Braille, The Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind by Margaret Davidson

6 – 8:  Who Was Louis Braille? By Margaret Frith


  •  How did Louis Braille become blind? (Injured eye with father’s sharp tool – it became infected and spread to his other eye)
  • Who became Braille’s first official teacher? (a priest)
  • Why did Louis go to Paris when he got older? (to study at National Institute for the Blind – also called Royal Institute for Blind Youth)
  • What was sonography or “night writing”? (writing created for French army to read at night)
  • Why did Louis create his own writing? (sonography was too difficult to use)
  • What made Louis a great teacher at the institute? (kind to children, taught them his own invention of reading & writing, fun, generous to students)
  • How did the other students at Louis school like his writing? (they loved it)
  • How did Louis die? (tuberculosis)
  • Did Louis became famous in his lifetime? (no, not until after he died)

Questions for Grades 6 – 8:

  • Where was Louis born? (France)
  • How were Louis’s parents able to afford his schooling in Paris? (Louis got a scholarship)
  • How were the other students at his school a blessing to Louis? (quickly made friends, never knew any blind children at home; got along well with them)
  • Besides academics, what did the children learn at the school? (a trade, learned to create mats, fabric , slippers, baskets, & fishing nets)
  • What instruments did Louis play? (cello, piano, organ)
  • How did the school’s new director, Mr. Pignier, help with health issues in the school? (took boys outside for fresh air, advocated for better building)
  • How was Louis’s system of Braille different from Barbier’s “night writing”? (Louis had a cell of 6 instead of nine and his dots represented letters instead of sounds)
  • In addition to letters what did Louis create with his Braille system? (numbers, punctuation marks, contractions, capital letters, musical notes)
  • When Dr. Pignier asked the French government to make Braille the official method for teaching the blind, what did the government say? (No)
  • Why was Defau a bad director for the institute? (cold, disagreeable, took away Latin, history, geometry, didn’t like Braille’s code and told the boys they couldn’t use it.)
  • What made Defau change his mind? (His assistant, Guadet, convinced him that it was the best system for the blind.)
  • When did Braille become the official system of reading & writing for the blind in France? (2 years after Louis died.)


K – 2:  Using this template: and this Braille alphabet:  or the one in your book, have children write their names in Braille.

3 – 4:  Using this template: , this template:  and this Braille alphabet:  and this Braille number page: have children write their names and addresses in Braille.

5 – 6: Do the following:

7 – 8:  Do the following:

Copyright January 13th, 2017 by Gwen Fredette


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Filed under Charlotte Mason, The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution

The Industrial Revolution

Week 15: The Industrial Revolution


View: K – 2:   Watch this video:

 3 – 5:  Do the following:

6 – 8:  Do the following: 


  • T/F During the Industrial Revolution goods were made cheaper and more quickly in factories.  (T)
  • In what country did the Industrial Revolution begin? (England)
  • What did the first factories in England make? (textiles; material)
  • Why did many people move from their homes in the country to the city? (to work in factories)
  • What were some negative effects of the Industrial Revolution? (polluted air; children had to work)

Questions for Grades 3 & Up:

  • How was clothing made before the 1800’s? (by hand)
  • Who was Samuel Slater and what did he do? (worker at a cotton mill with a fantastic memory; illegally left the country, and with help of a man named Moses Brown, started a water-powered cotton spinning mill in U.S.)
  • Who invented the cotton gin? (Eli Whitney)
  • What did it do? (separated seeds from cotton plants)
  • Why did the cotton gin create a greater need for slavery? (More workers needed to pick cotton)
  • Where in the U.S. were most textile factories built? (New England, North)
  • Where was cotton grown in the U.S.? (South)
  • Who did much of the work in textile factories? (women & children and many immigrants to America)
  • What made factory work so difficult? (long hours, sometimes dangerous around machinery, for children – no time for school, pollutants in air made people sick)
  • Name 2 inventions that made travel faster during the Industrial Revolution (1800’s)? (steamboats, railroad)

Questions for Grades 6 – 8:  

  • How many hours a day did people often work in factories? (12 hrs)
  • What was the flying shuttle? (machine that sped up the weaving process because the shuttle was attached to the loom; people didn’t have to weave in and out of threads by hand.)
  • What was the “spinning jenny”?  (machine that allowed workers to spin cotton into thread more quickly)
  • Who was famous for establishing cotton-spinning mills using water power? (Richard Arkwright)
  • Who invented the steam engine? (James Watt)
  • What types of machines and mills were the steam engine used for? (cotton mills, flour mills, water pump for mines, manufacturing iron, eventually trains)
  • Why did England’s air become so polluted? (steam engines used coal which sent massive amounts of black smoke into the air)
  • Samuel Slater is known as the father of …? (Father of the American Industrial Revolution)
  • What important canal helper further the Industrial Revolution? (Erie Canal)
  • During the Industrial Revolution, which city became the most important port on the East Coast? (New York)
  • What inventions sped up farming methods? (mechanical reaper & Deere’s plow)
  • What invention sped up the communication process? (telegraph)
  • What was the Cumberland Road? (1st national road)


K – 2:   Complete this coloring page:

3 – 5: : Use the information from the above online site:   to make a chart matching the right inventor of the Industrial revolution with the right name and photo of his invention.  You may need to use a posterboard to complete this chart:

6 – 8: Read these primary documents on the effects of the Industrial Revolution:  then answer the questions that follow them.


Copyright January 6th, 2017 by Gwen Fredette



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Filed under Charlotte Mason, The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution

Faraday & Watt

Week 14: Faraday & Watt


Read K – 3:   This topic is a bit complicated for this age group.  I recommend skipping this lesson and moving on to “Week 15”.

 4 – 8:  Watch the following videos:


  • Why was Faraday famous? (invented the electric motor & electric generator)
  • T/F Faraday came from a wealthy family. (F)
  • T/F Faraday was considered well-educated. (F)
  • What country was Faraday from? (England)
  • How did Faraday educate himself? (read many books in the bookstore where he worked)
  • Who was Faraday eventually able to work for? (Humphry Davy, a famous scientist)
  • At that time scientists believed electricity flowed in a straight line and only on a wire.  What did Faraday believe? (That there was an electro-magnetic field around where electricity flowed.)
  • T/F Faraday had a strong faith in God. (T)
  • How did Humphry react to Faraday’s success? (wasn’t pleased, possibly jealous)
  • Why was Faraday’s invention so important? (generators eventually paved the way for power plants and electricity on a broad scale, motors eventually used to power many things including boats, automobiles, plains, machines, etc.)
  • Why was James Watt famous? (made huge improvements to the steam engine, which became the catalyst for the Industrial Revolution)
  • What was the Newcomen steam engine used for? (water pump for coal mines)
  • Why did the Newcomen steam engine need improvements? (broke often, inefficient)
  • Where was James Watt from? (Scotland)
  • How was James Watt able to finance his new improved steam engine? (wealthy Matthew Boulton became his business partner)
  • How were Watt’s steam engines used? (water pumps for mines, factory work, cotton mills, railroad transportation)
  • What unit of electrical power is named in his honor? (the watt)
  • Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? (Great Britain)


K – 3:  None!

4 – 5: Which inventor, Faraday or Watt, do you consider to be more important?  Why? Explain your answer.

6 – 8: Write an essay on one of the following:

  • Do you believe Faraday or Watt to be the more important inventor? (5 paragraph, 3 proof essay)
  • Discuss how these three events: work at a book-binder’s, tickets to see Humphrey Davy, Humphrey Davy’s injury from a science experiment, paved the way for Faraday to become a great scientist. What role do you believe Faraday’s faith played in his achievements and decisions?

Copyright December 18th, 2016

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Filed under Charlotte Mason, The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution

The Brothers Grimm

Week 13: Great Literature – The Brothers Grimm


Read K – 2:  Read the following short stories from An Illustrated Treasury of Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Illustrated by Daniela Drescher)

  • Cinderella
  • The Princess and the Frog
  • Rumplestiltskin

 3 – 4:  Read the following short stories from An Illustrated Treasury of Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Illustrated by Daniela Drescher)

  • Cinderella
  • The Princess and the Frog
  • Rumplestiltskin
  • Rapunzel
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

 5 – 8:  Read the following:

Discuss: For EACH story you read, answer the following questions:

  • Every story starts with a problem. What was the problem in this story? (answers will vary)
  • How does the main character overcome his or her problem?
  • Was there a happy ending at the end of this story? Why do you think the authors chose to end the story the way they did?
  • Why do you think this is such a popular story?
  • Did you like the story? Why or why not?

Questions for Grades 5 – 8:

  • Why are the Brothers Grimm so famous? (compiled wonderful stories)
  • What were the brothers’ names? (Jacob & Wilhelm)
  • Were fairy tales written down before the brothers Grimm created their book(s)? (No, passed down orally)
  • Why? (no one thought fairy tales were important enough to put into books)
  • What country were the brothers born in? (Holy Roman Empire – German states)
  • What tragedy occurred in the Grimm family while the boys were young? (father died suddenly)
  • What professor greatly influenced the Grimm brothers? (Professor Savigny)
  • Why were there suddenly strong French influences over the brothers’ German town? (Napoleon began conquering lands surrounding France)
  • What hard times did the brothers go through as young adults? (under French rule, mother died; had to care for family; were both out of work, for a time only ate 1 meal a day, Wilhelm had health problems)
  • How did the brothers find stories to put into their book? (by meeting with story tellers)
  • What was the name of their book? (Children’s and Household Tales)
  • Was their book successful? (yes, immediate success)
  • Where did the brothers work together? (at a library)
  • Name some of the other books published by the brothers. (More fairy tales, German legends, German grammar – which gave history of Germanic languages, German Mythology, German dictionary)
  • How did the Grimms’ brother, Ludwig, contribute to their fairy tales? (illustrated them in later edition of their book)
  • Why was Jacob forced to leave his university? (stood up to king, who was taking away people’s rights at the university)
  • T/F The Grimm brothers lived together and stayed close friends most of their lives.  (T)


K – 1: Draw your own pictures to go with one of the Brothers Grimm stories.

2 – 3: Draw your own pictures to go with your favorite Brothers Grimm story and tell in a short paragraph why it is your favorite.

4 – 5: Write a paragraph on the following: What lessons do you believe the “Frog Prince” was meant to teach children?  How is the princess similar to teenagers today?  How is she different?

6 – 8:  Write an essay on one of the following:

  • What lessons do you believe the “Frog Prince” was meant to teach children? How is the princess similar to teenagers today?  How is she different?
  • Overall, which fairy tales do you find more interesting/entertaining, those of Hans Christian Andersen, or the Brothers Grimm? Why?
  • When the Brothers Grimm published their fairy tales, they were very popular, but some parents felt they were too violent. Discuss the violent aspects of the fairy tales you read, and how they differ from the same versions of the story you hear today.

Copyright December 11th, 2016 by Gwen Fredette


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Hans Christian Andersen

Week 12: Great Literature – Hans Christian Andersen


Read K – 2:  Read the following short stories from Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales (Compiled by Michael Hague)

  • The Emperor’s New Clothes
  • The Ugly Duckling
  • The Little Match Girl

 3 – 4:  Read the following short stories from Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales (Compiled by Michael Hague)

  • The Emperor’s New Clothes
  • The Ugly Duckling
  • The Little Match Girl
  • The Little Mermaid

 5 – 6:  Read the following: 

7 – 8:   Do the following:

  • Read all of the above selections (from Grades 5 & 6)
  • and Read The Snow Queen

Discuss: For EACH story you read, answer the following questions:

  • Every story starts with a problem. What was the problem in this story? (answers will vary)
  • How does the main character overcome his or her problem?
  • Was there a happy ending at the end of this story? Why do you think Hans chose to end the story the way he did?
  • Why do you think this is such a popular story?
  • Did you like the story? Why or why not?

Questions for Grades 5 – 8:

  • Why is Hans Christian Andersen famous? (wrote wonderful stories)
  • What was life like for Hans when he was a boy? (very poor, father died after being in Napoleon’s army, teased a lot by boys, loved by parents and grandmother, loved to hear stories and plays as a child, loved to play with his puppet theater)
  • What was his father’s job? (shoemaker)
  • Where was Hans from? (Denmark)
  • What did Hans look like? (very tall, very skinny, very big hands and feet)
  • Did Hans learn much at school? (no, daydreamer, school bored him)
  • Who was Hans’ favorite author? (Shakespeare)
  • As a teenager, what did Hans like to do with his time? (Sing & Make up stories and plays)
  • Why didn’t people like Han’s stories when he was young? (Stories good but he had little education and his spelling and grammar were terrible)
  • T/F Hans sang well enough that he was able to go to the Royal Theater’s singing school for free. (T)
  • Why did Hans have to leave the school? (His voice changed & he was often sick because he didn’t have warm enough clothes)
  • How was Hans able to get an education? (Directors of Royal Theater found a play he had written “worthwhile” and recommended him to King Frederick VI who gave him enough money to live on for 3 years and gave him free instruction at a boarding school)
  • Describe his experiences under Meisling at school? (Meisling belittled and bullied him until he felt worthless; finally it was arranged for him to have a private tutor)
  • After he finished his education, were his plays and stories a success? (Yes)
  • Why did Hans call his fairy tales “trifles”? (didn’t consider them important)
  • Did Hans ever marry? Why? (no woman wanted him)
  • Name some of Hans most famous stories? (The Little Match Girl, The Emperor’s New Clothes, the Ugly Duckling, the Little Mermaid, the Snow Queen, The Princess and the Pea)
  • How is the Little Mermaid different from the Disney movie? (Little Mermaid doesn’t marry the prince)
  • T/F Hans wanted to be famous for his children’s stories? (F – wanted to be famous for his plays and stories for adults)
  • Authors write best what they know.  For each story you read, tell how one or more of the characters is like Hans or is similar to what he experienced in life?


K – 1: Draw your own pictures to go with one of Hans Christian Andersen’s stories.

2 – 3:  Draw your own pictures to go with your favorite Hans Christian Andersen story and tell in a short paragraph why it is your favorite.

4 – 5:  Write a short essay on one of the following:

  1. Compare and contrast Andersen’s The Little Mermaid with the Disney version of The Little Mermaid.
  2. Compare and contrast The Ugly Duckling with Hans Christian Andersen’s life.
  3. Compare and contrast The Little Mermaid with Hans Christian Andersen’s life.

6 – 8:  Write an essay on one of the following:

  1. Compare and contrast The Snow Queen with The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
  2. Compare and contrast The Ugly Duckling with Hans Christian Andersen’s life.
  3. Compare and contrast The Little Mermaid with Hans Christian Andersen’s life.

Copyright December 2nd, 2016 by Gwen Fredette

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Week 11: Beethoven


Read K – 5:  Beethoven Lives Upstairs by Barbara Nichol

6 – 8:   View this Beethoven biography on youtube:



  • Why was Beethoven famous? (wrote beautiful music)
  • What handicap did he have? (He was deaf; his eyes were weak also)
  • In what ways was Beethoven strange? (very loud, messy, stood in front of a window naked, poured water over his head, wrote on walls)
  • Why was Beethoven an unhappy child? ( Father was often drunk, would make him practice piano all night)
  • T/F Beethoven had a bad temper.  (T)
  • Why was he so angry? (he loved music, but couldn’t hear it, he was lonely, bad family life as a boy)
  • How many pianos did Beethoven have? (at least 4)
  • Why were his pianos on the floor? (so he could feel vibrations)
  • Name a famous symphony Beethoven wrote? (Ninth symphony)
  • How did people communicate with Beethoven? (by writing questions in a little book)
  • At the end of Beethoven’s 9th symphony debut, did he know the people loved it? (not right away, his back was turned to the audience – he couldn’t see or hear the applause.)

Questions for Grades 5 – 8:

  • T/F Beethoven’s father was also an excellent musician.  (F)
  • How did Beethoven’s father punish him if he felt he didn’t play well? (beat him, locked him in the basement)
  • At what age did Beethoven quit school? (10)
  • Beethoven didn’t just want his music to entertain but to transform people.  (T)
  • What did Mozart think of Beethoven’s music?  (amazed by it)
  • How did Beethoven’s mother die? (Tuberculosis)
  • T/F Professional musicians often found Beethoven’s music too difficult to play.  (T)
  • What famous composer became Beethoven’s tutor? (Haydn)
  • T/F Beethoven did not become famous until he was in his 30’s (F)
  • What contests did Beethoven begin? (Improvisation contests on piano)
  • Who won? (Beethoven)
  • Why did Beethoven write the “Moonlight Sonata”? ( to woo a pupil he was in love with.)
  • When did Beethoven begin losing his hearing? (late 20’s)
  • After Beethoven lost his hearing was he still able to compose great works? (Yes)
  • At first Beethoven considered Napoleon a great hero and even dedicated one of his pieces to him.  What made him change his mind? (Napoleon declared himself emperor of France)
  • Name some of Beethoven’s most famous works? (Moonlight sonata, pastoral symphony, 5th symphony, 9th symphony)
  • Why did Beethoven have to quit playing the piano and devote himself full-time to composing? (He couldn’t hear himself play anymore)
  • What child did Beethoven win custody of? (his brother’s; after his brother passed away)
  • Did the boy want to live with Beethoven or his mother? (his mother)
  • How did Beethoven often dress? (like a hobo, wore same clothes for several weeks, didn’t bathe, hair was wild, etc)
  • How many people came to Beethoven’s funeral? (20,000)


K – 1: Listen to the Beethoven’s 5th and 9th symphonies  as you do this Beethoven coloring page:

2 – 3:  Listen to the Beethoven’s 5th and 9th symphonies as you do this Beethoven word find:

4 – 5:  Listen to the Beethoven’s 5th and 9th symphonies as you write an essay describing Beethoven’s strengths and weaknesses.

6 – 8:  Listen to the Beethoven’s 5th and 9th symphonies as you write an essay on one of the following:

  1. Compare and contrast Beethoven & Mozart.
  2. Describe the role Beethoven’s father played in his life. Do you believe his father contributed to his son’s genius, inhibited it, or both?
  3. Write an essay describing Beethoven’s strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Many people would describe Beethoven’s music as passionate and intense. Write a 5 paragraph 3 proof essay describing how Beethoven’s personal life was passionate and/or intense.


Copyright November 19th, 2016 by Gwen Fredette


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Filed under Charlotte Mason, The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution

The Rosetta Stone

Week 10: The Rosetta Stone


View K – 3:

4 – 5:  Do BOTH of the following: 

6 – 8:   Read Mystery of the Hieroglyphs by Carol Donoughue (Whole book)


  • What famous stone did Napoleon’s army find? (Rosetta stone)
  • How many scripts were on the stone? (3)
  • Why were scholars excited about the stone? (The wanted to find out what the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs meant.)
  • Who finally was able to translate the Egyptian in the stone? (Jean Francois Champollion)

Questions for Grades 4 & up:

  • What famous stone did Napoleon’s army find? (Rosetta stone)
  • Why was it named that? (Found in a town called Rosetta)
  • Why did Napoleon and the English want it? (wanted to be the 1st to discover the meaning of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs)
  • Why did they believe this stone would help them find out what the hieroglyphs meant? (It was written in 3 languages: Ancient Egyptian, Demotic, & Greek.   Scholars could read the Greek.)
  • Who finally was able to translate the Egyptian in the stone? (Jean Francois Champollion)
  • What was a cartouche? (Symbol put around Egyptian hieroglyph names)
  • Why did he start translating names first? (easy to find because of cartouches)
  • Once Champollion was able to read the Rosetta stone, what did people want to use the knowledge of Ancient Egyptian to do? (read the words written all over the statues and remains of Egypt – to find out all about ancient Egypt’s history, which is why we know it today!)

Questions for Grades 6 & up:

  • What did Ancient Egyptians use for paper? (papyrus)
  • Name the 3 different scripts on the Rosetta stone? (Hieroglyphs, demotic script, & Greek)
  • T/F Hieroglyphs used punctuation marks?( F)
  • T/F Hieroglyphs could be written in any direction. (T)


 K – 3:  Write your name in Egyptian Hieroglyphs worksheet:

 4 – 6: Write your name in Egyptian Hieroglyphs worksheet:  AND Rosetta stone worksheet:

 7 – 8:  Complete all of the following:

  1. Write your name in Egyptian Hieroglyphs worksheet: AND
  2. Rosetta stone worksheet: AND
  3. There were many great discoveries made during the Enlightenment:
  • Copernicus — Heliocentric Theory – Sun center of Solar System.
  • Kepler – Planetary Motion – Planets move in elipses.
  • Galileo – Invented Telescope that could see the heavens – proved that what Copernicus & Kepler said was true (although people still didn’t believe him).
  • Newton – Law of Gravity  – Governs earth & space.
  • Harvey – Circulation of Blood – Blood circulates through body bringing oxygen to the rest of the body.
  • Rosetta Stone – enabled us to discover the history of Ancient Egyptians.

Which of these do you consider the most important discovery of the Enlightenment?  Why?  Explain your answer.


Copyright November 11th, 2016 by Gwen Fredette


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Filed under Ancient Egypt, The Enlightenment & Scientific Revolution